Contact Us

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call Consult-A-Nurse® at

(800) 352-6762


Our service makes finding a doctor and making an appointment easier by providing information about physicians affiliated with HCA hospitals.

Request an Appointment

Health information you can trust

Fever? Sprain? Breathing issues? Whether you have a simple question or a more serious health concern, you always have someone to turn to for support and guidance. Get advice you can trust directly from experienced, licensed nurses. Call (800) 352-6762 anytime, day or night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for answers, advice and peace of mind.

Consult-A-Nurse® is a free service from our HCA Hospitals and your direct line of communication with medical professionals you can trust. Our experienced, licensed nurses are available anytime to answer your questions.

Finding a doctor

Our service makes finding a doctor easier by providing information about physicians affiliated with HCA hospitals, including:

You can contact our referral specialist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone at (800) 447-0479

Registering for classes and events

Our referral specialists can help you find and register for one or more of our many health education classes, seminars or events. Fairview Park Hospital’s offerings feature a variety of maternity related programs as well as other medical topics. You can also register for special events produced by Fairview Park Hospital.  Register for classes and events here or call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (800) 447-0479.